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~ Scudo's Internals ~

--[ Table of contents
    1 - Introduction
    2 - Overview
    3 - Primary Allocator
    3.1 - The birth of the heap.
    3.2 - The birth of a block.
    3.2.1 - Checking for orphans first
    3.2.2 - Orphanage is empty
    3.2.3 - Integrity checks on the header.
    3.3 - The death of a block.
    4 - Quarantine
    4.1 - Useful classes
    4.2 - Phase 1, the entrance
    4.3 - Phase 2, the escape
    5 - Conclusions
    6 - Useful links


--[ 1 - Introduction

In this blog post we publish our research on the scudo allocator. There are
some other blogs which detail some parts of the scudo, but we couldn't
find any good resource in English so here we are.

We hope that our article will be useful for future researchers who are
interested in this allocator.

Scudo is already deployed on Android 11 and Fuchsia as a replacement for their
userland memory allocators, but it's developed as a part of LLVM and can be used
on most operating systems. As described in the LLVM docs, scudo's design aims to
mitigate a lot of heap related exploitable situations while maintaining good
performance. It's not designed to completely protect the heap from any sort of
attack but it does a decent job mitigating a lot of heap related exploitable

In this research we only experimented with the standalone scudo deployed on a
64 bit linux platform, but the core properties of scudo are somewhat consistent
between different platforms.

--[ 2 - Overview

Scudo is really two things, the Primary Allocator and the Secondary allocator.
~ The primary allocator is responsible for smaller allocation needs of a process.
  So for the most part, this is the allocator used.
~ The secondary allocator on the other hand, services the more hungry needs 
  of a process.

There are various concepts that add up in a good heap layout, some of them are:

* Limited footprint of metadata present on the heap. (Only the block headers)
* Region isolation with guard pages. Each region is guarded from each other
  with the use of guard pages.
* Pointer "compression". Keeping references to blocks only as offsets from the
  start of a region.
* Heap randomization. Each Region shuffles randomly its blocks.
* Integrity checks integrated on the header of each block.
* Delayed freelists to avoid immediate block reuse, preventing UAFs.

The last bullet refers to a very interesting structure of the scudo allocator,
the Quarantine. Quarantine is an important addition to scudo and it is
configurable for different needs both on the platform level and separately
in the program. This protection is optional in scudo, and the extensive
usage of it in a program can hurt the performance. Although the usage of
Quarantine can do a decent job making vulnerabilities like UAFs a lot
harder to exploit.

Scudo is implemented in C++, and it's designed to support many configurations.

--[ 3 - Primary Allocator

It's always good to read what the documentation [1] has to say:

"the Primary allocator: fast and efficient, it services smaller allocation
sizes by carving reserved memory regions into blocks of identical size. There
are currently two Primary allocators implemented, specific to 32 and 64 bit

  |      Region 0       | <-- Region 0 is only used for allocating TransferBatches.
  |      Region 1       | <-- ClassId = 1
  |      Region 2       | <-- ClassId = 2
  |      .......        |
  |      Region N       | <-- ClassId = N, depends on the configuration.

This is a high level overview of how the heap is structured in scudo.
The first region is reserved for internal usage. So you won't be able
to allocate space on that region for storing user data.

---[ 3.1 - The birth of the heap.

Depending how it is bundled with the standard libc/C++ library on a given
platform, scudo might be initialized either during startup or during the first
scudo allocation operation. On the linux platform scudo is not hardwired with 
the glibc by default and so it requires you to link scudo in some way before
running a program.

For our testing we compiled the standalone scudo library for linux and used the
RPATH property to load scudo on our testbeds.

The initialization of the heap will take place on the first allocation 
operation. The function responsible for this is initThreadMaybe.

--------------------------------- tsd_exclusive.h ---------------------------------

ALWAYS_INLINE void initThreadMaybe(Allocator *Instance, bool MinimalInit) {
  if (LIKELY(State.InitState != ThreadState::NotInitialized))
  initThread(Instance, MinimalInit);

Which... will take us on a relatively long path to Allocator->init()

----------------------------------- combined.h -----------------------------------

void init() {
  if (UNLIKELY(!getRandom(&Cookie, sizeof(Cookie))))
    Cookie = static_cast(getMonotonicTime() ^
                              (reinterpret_cast(this) >> 4));
  if (getFlags()->zero_contents)
  // More parsing logic for the flags
  QuarantineMaxChunkSize =

A 32 bit integer will be read from /dev/urandom to be used as a
secure source of randomness where it's needed.

The flags will then be parsed, which manage certain behaviours of scudo.
e.g; whether to implicitly zero the contents of a block etc.

While testing we have enabled Quarantine by setting the following flags 
in the SCUDO_OPTIONS environment variable.

* quarantine_size_kb - "Size (in bytes) up to which chunks can be quarantined."
* quarantine_max_chunk_size - "The size (in Kb) of quarantine used to delay the
  actual deallocation of chunks."
* thread_local_quarantine_size_kb - "The size (in Kb) of per-thread cache use
  to offload the global quarantine."

When all this is done, Primary.init will be called for further initialization 
of the primary allocator.

----------------------------------- primary64.h -----------------------------------

void init(s32 ReleaseToOsInterval) {
  // Reserve the space required for the Primary.
  PrimaryBase = reinterpret_cast(
      map(nullptr, PrimarySize, nullptr, MAP_NOACCESS, &Data));

  u32 Seed;
  const u64 Time = getMonotonicTime();
  if (!getRandom(reinterpret_cast(&Seed), sizeof(Seed)))
    Seed = static_cast(Time ^ (PrimaryBase >> 12));
  const uptr PageSize = getPageSizeCached(); // PageSize = 0x1000
  for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++) {
    RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(I);
    // The actual start of a region is offset by a random number of pages
    // when PrimaryEnableRandomOffset is set.
    Region->RegionBeg = getRegionBaseByClassId(I) +
                              ? ((getRandomModN(&Seed, 16) + 1) * PageSize)
                              : 0);
    Region->RandState = getRandomU32(&Seed);
    Region->ReleaseInfo.LastReleaseAtNs = Time;

The entire heap for the primary allocator will be pre-mapped.
This new mapping will be divided into a number of equal sized Regions.

  static const uptr RegionSize = 1UL << Config::PrimaryRegionSizeLog;
  static const uptr NumClasses = SizeClassMap::NumClasses;
  static const uptr PrimarySize = RegionSize * NumClasses;

(Configuration parameters for the Config:: namespace can be found in 'allocator_config.h').
For linux systems, the size of each region is 4GB of space (1 << 32).

After mapping the heap, a new 32 bit random integer will be read from
/dev/urandom. This value will be used as an additional source of entropy
as well as for deriving RandStates for each Region.

Finally, it can be configured that the start of each Region will be randomized 
by an offset of [1, 16] * PageSize, to make it harder for an attacker to guess 
their location, but also to introduce guard pages between them. 
Those gaps between each region are reserved unreadable & unwritable. 
With this trick, huge heap overflows could be prevented.

   Start of the heap.
          |                                  Region for Class #0
          +--------->+------------------+            ^
                     |    Guard Page    |            |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |    Regions are starting with a random
                     |                  |    offset R = [1,16] * PageSize
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |    Region for Class #1
                     |    Guard Page    |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
            ---+---  +------------------+    Region for Class #k
               |     |    Guard Page    |
 Region Size   |     +------------------+----------->
     4GB       |     |                  |
               |     |                  |
               |     |                  |
               |     |                  |
               |     |                  |
               |     |                  |
            ---+---  +------------------+
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                     |                  |

        Total size of the heap = NumClassess * 4GB

---[ 3.2 - The birth of a block.

Continuing our journey after the initialization of the heap, scudo is now 
ready to service our request.

----------------------------------- combined.h -----------------------------------

NOINLINE void *allocate(uptr Size, Chunk::Origin Origin,
                        uptr Alignment = MinAlignment,
                        bool ZeroContents = false) {
  void *Block = nullptr;
  uptr ClassId = 0;
  uptr SecondaryBlockEnd = 0;
  if (LIKELY(PrimaryT::canAllocate(NeededSize))) {
    ClassId = SizeClassMap::getClassIdBySize(NeededSize);
    bool UnlockRequired;
    auto *TSD = TSDRegistry.getTSDAndLock(&UnlockRequired);
    Block = TSD->Cache.allocate(ClassId);
    // If the allocation failed, the most likely reason with a 32-bit primary
    // is the region being full. In that event, retry in each successively
    // larger class until it fits. If it fails to fit in the largest class,
    // fallback to the Secondary.
    if (UNLIKELY(!Block)) {
      while (ClassId < SizeClassMap::LargestClassId && !Block)
        Block = TSD->Cache.allocate(++ClassId);
      if (!Block)
        ClassId = 0;
    if (UnlockRequired)
  if (UNLIKELY(ClassId == 0))
    Block = Secondary.allocate(Options, Size, Alignment, &SecondaryBlockEnd,
  if (UNLIKELY(!Block)) {
    if (Options.get(OptionBit::MayReturnNull))
      return nullptr;

The first thing scudo has to decide is what allocator to use to service our
request. If our request is too big for the primary allocator, canAllocate()
will return false and Secondary Allocator will be used. 
We will focus only on the Primary.

The next thing that needs to be resolved is which region shall service the
request. Each region is representing a class and hence is given a ClassId.
Each one of them is cut into equal sized blocks. For this reason, a region
is expected to service a range of allocation sizes.
As a result, it might return to you more space than what you requested.

The sizes each region services is platform dependent.
Here is a table for the first 6 regions:

  |   Size   |  ClassId  |
  |    32    |     1     |
  |    48    |     2     |
  |    64    |     3     |
  |    80    |     4     |
  |    96    |     5     |
  |    112   |     6     |

----[ 3.2.1 - Checking for orphans first

When it has been figured out which region shall service the request, the
cache of the allocator will be checked for any available free blocks in 
the specified region before attempting to map more space for the heap.

---------------------------------- local_cache.h ----------------------------------

void *allocate(uptr ClassId) {
  PerClass *C = &PerClassArray[ClassId];
  if (C->Count == 0) {
    if (UNLIKELY(!refill(C, ClassId)))
      return nullptr;
  CompactPtrT CompactP = C->Chunks[--C->Count];
  return Allocator->decompactPtr(ClassId, CompactP);

Each region holds a PerClass entry in the PerClassArray for tracking 
available free blocks in a compact format.

  static const uptr NumClasses = SizeClassMap::NumClasses;
  static const uptr BatchClassId = SizeClassMap::BatchClassId;
  struct PerClass {
    u32 Count;
    u32 MaxCount;
    // Note: ClassSize is zero for the transfer batch.
    uptr ClassSize;
    CompactPtrT Chunks[2 * TransferBatch::MaxNumCached];
  PerClass PerClassArray[NumClasses] = {};

Each PerClass entry can hold up to 2 * TransferBatch::MaxNumCached free 
blocks. Double the amount of blocks that a TransferBatch can hold.

	struct TransferBatch {
		static const u32 MaxNumCached = SizeClassMap::MaxNumCachedHint;
		TransferBatch *Next;
		u32 Count;
		CompactPtrT Batch[MaxNumCached];

A TransferBatch is a structure designed to hold -as the name suggests-
batches of free blocks in a compact format for a specific region. For the
sole purpose of "transfering" and repopulating the cache in a fast way.
The capacity of a TransferBatch can be up to MaxNumCached. Half of the total
blocks that a PerClass entry can hold. This is happening because when a
TransferBatch refills the cache, you also want some free space in the cache
in case the program frees some blocks.

The transferbatches of a region form a single linked list together.
The head of the TransferBatch singly linked list is located in the
following structure.

    struct UnpaddedRegionInfo {
        HybridMutex Mutex;
        SinglyLinkedList FreeList;
        uptr RegionBeg = 0;
        RegionStats Stats = {};
        u32 RandState = 0;
        uptr MappedUser = 0;    // Bytes mapped for user memory.
        uptr AllocatedUser = 0; // Bytes allocated for user memory.
        MapPlatformData Data = {};
        ReleaseToOsInfo ReleaseInfo = {};
        bool Exhausted = false;

So returning back to allocate(), if the cache is not empty, scudo will 
"decompact" the last free block pointer stored in the PerClass entry and
return it back to the program.

- Compact pointers are just offsets from the start of a region shifted by a
  Scale factor.

  typedef u32 PrimaryCompactPtrT;
  static const uptr PrimaryCompactPtrScale = SCUDO_MIN_ALIGNMENT_LOG;

Note that the above definition is for the android platform. In linux, compact
pointers are treated as normal u64 pointers in the default configuration.
Given the Base address of a region, the pointer to a cached block can be
retrieved by using the following rule:

	Ptr = Base + (CompactPtr << PrimaryCompactPtrScale)

So in linux, both Base and PrimaryCompactPtrScale will be 0.

If the Count field of the cache is zero, scudo will try to see if there are
any transfer batches available to repopulate the contents of the cache before
attempting to actually allocate more space from the heap. This will happen by
calling refill().

---------------------------------- local_cache.h ----------------------------------

NOINLINE bool refill(PerClass *C, uptr ClassId) {
  TransferBatch *B = Allocator->popBatch(this, ClassId);
  if (UNLIKELY(!B))
    return false;
  C->Count = B->getCount();
  B->copyToArray(C->Chunks); // memcpy(PerClass, TransferBatch, Count)
  destroyBatch(ClassId, B); // free(TransferBatch) -> Region 0
  return true;

In refill() scudo will call popBatch() to pop a TransferBatch from the
FreeList (if available), or allocate a new TransferBatch.

----------------------------------- primary64.h -----------------------------------

TransferBatch *popBatch(CacheT *C, uptr ClassId) {
  RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(ClassId);
  ScopedLock L(Region->Mutex);
  TransferBatch *B = Region->FreeList.front();
  if (B) {
  } else {
    B = populateFreeList(C, ClassId, Region);
    if (UNLIKELY(!B))
      return nullptr;
  return B;

After popping a TransferBatch scudo will simply copy its contents to the
cache by calling memcpy to speed up the "transfering".

----[ 3.2.2 - Orphanage is empty

If both the PerClass entry & FreeList for that region are empty,
scudo will allocate some transfer batches for the FreeList by calling

----------------------------------- primary64.h -----------------------------------

NOINLINE TransferBatch *populateFreeList(CacheT *C, uptr ClassId,
                                          RegionInfo *Region) {
  const uptr Size = getSizeByClassId(ClassId);
  const u32 MaxCount = TransferBatch::getMaxCached(Size);
  const uptr RegionBeg = Region->RegionBeg;
  const uptr MappedUser = Region->MappedUser;
  const uptr TotalUserBytes = Region->AllocatedUser + MaxCount * Size;
  // Map more space for blocks, if necessary.
  if (TotalUserBytes > MappedUser) {
    // Do the mmap for the user memory.
    const uptr MapSize =
        roundUpTo(TotalUserBytes - MappedUser, MapSizeIncrement);
    const uptr RegionBase = RegionBeg - getRegionBaseByClassId(ClassId);
    if (UNLIKELY(RegionBase + MappedUser + MapSize > RegionSize)) {
      if (!Region->Exhausted) {
        Region->Exhausted = true;
        ... // Warning or abort with exhaustion message
      return nullptr;
    if (MappedUser == 0)
      Region->Data = Data;
    if (UNLIKELY(!map(
            reinterpret_cast(RegionBeg + MappedUser), MapSize,
                (useMemoryTagging(Options.load()) ? MAP_MEMTAG : 0),
      return nullptr;
    Region->MappedUser += MapSize;

Before trying to allocate some transfer batches for the FreeList, it needs
to confirm there is enough available mapped space on the region. The number
of transfer batches to be allocated varies between different regions because
the bigger the blocks of a region, the bigger the memory cost for the same
number of transfer batches.

The total number of transfer batches to be allocated for the FreeList depends
on the return value of getMaxCached(). A table for MaxCount for an x86_64
linux platform can be seen below:

  |   getMaxCached()   |  ClassId  |
  |        14          |     1     |
  |        14          |     2     |
  |        14          |     3     |
  |        12          |     4     |
  |        10          |     5     |
  |         9          |     6     |
  |         7          |     7     |
  |         5          |     8     |
  |         5          |     9     |
  |         4          |    10     |
  |         3          |    11     |
  |         2          |    12     |
  |         2          |    13     |
  |         1          |    14     |
  |         1          |     N     |

Then if the sum of the total allocated space in the region and the extra size
for the transfer batches surpasses the actual mapped space for that region,
scudo will map the required space on demand (if possible). Scudo will try to
round the mapping space by MapSizeIncrement. Which in our case is 256KB.

----------------------------------- primary64.h -----------------------------------

NOINLINE TransferBatch *populateFreeList(CacheT *C, uptr ClassId,
                                          RegionInfo *Region) {
  const u32 NumberOfBlocks = Min(
      MaxNumBatches * MaxCount,
      static_cast((Region->MappedUser - Region->AllocatedUser) / Size));

  constexpr u32 ShuffleArraySize =
      MaxNumBatches * TransferBatch::MaxNumCached;
  CompactPtrT ShuffleArray[ShuffleArraySize];

  const uptr CompactPtrBase = getCompactPtrBaseByClassId(ClassId);
  uptr P = RegionBeg + Region->AllocatedUser;
  for (u32 I = 0; I < NumberOfBlocks; I++, P += Size)
    ShuffleArray[I] = compactPtrInternal(CompactPtrBase, P);
  // No need to shuffle the batches size class.
  if (ClassId != SizeClassMap::BatchClassId)
    shuffle(ShuffleArray, NumberOfBlocks, &Region->RandState);
  for (u32 I = 0; I < NumberOfBlocks;) {
    TransferBatch *B =
        C->createBatch(ClassId, reinterpret_cast(decompactPtrInternal(
                                    CompactPtrBase, ShuffleArray[I])));
    if (UNLIKELY(!B))
      return nullptr;
    const u32 N = Min(MaxCount, NumberOfBlocks - I);
    B->setFromArray(&ShuffleArray[I], N);
    I += N;
  TransferBatch *B = Region->FreeList.front();
  const uptr AllocatedUser = Size * NumberOfBlocks;
  Region->AllocatedUser += AllocatedUser;
  return B;

After ensuring there is enough space for our transfer batches, scudo will
carve the blocks needed from the bottom of the region sequentially, shuffle
them randomly (by using the corresponding RandState for that region), group
them into transfer batches and link them to the FreeList.

Note that transfer batches are being allocated like normal blocks but in a
special Region, with a ClassId = 0. The program can not allocate blocks in
that region directly by calling malloc with a specific size. But as you can
see above there is no need for shuffling the transfer batches in Region 0.

----[ 3.2.3 - Integrity checks on the header.

The last step before returning a block back to the program is to prepend 
a header for tracking some information for the block.

                         Block header
  | 16 bits  |  16 bits | 20 bits | 2 bits | 2 bits | 8 bits  |
  | Checksum |  Offset  |   Size  | Origin |  State | ClassId |

The explanation for those can be found in the LLVM documentation:

* ClassId - "the class ID for that block, which identifies the region where
  the block resides for Primary backed allocations, or 0 for Secondary backed
* State - "the state of the chunk (available, allocated or quarantined)"
* Origin - "the allocation type (malloc, new, new[] or memalign), to detect
  potential mismatches in the allocation APIs used"
* Size - "the size (Primary) or unused bytes amount (Secondary) for that chunk,
  which is necessary for reallocation or sized-deallocation operations"
* Offset - "the offset of the chunk, which is the distance in bytes from the
  beginning of the returned chunk to the beginning of the backend allocation
  (the “block”)"
* Checksum - "the 16-bit checksum"

----------------------------------- combined.h -----------------------------------

NOINLINE void *allocate(uptr Size, Chunk::Origin Origin,
                        uptr Alignment = MinAlignment,
                        bool ZeroContents = false) {
  Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header = {};
  Header.ClassId = ClassId & Chunk::ClassIdMask;
  Header.State = Chunk::State::Allocated;
  Header.OriginOrWasZeroed = Origin & Chunk::OriginMask;
  Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes =
      (ClassId ? Size : SecondaryBlockEnd - (UserPtr + Size)) &
  Chunk::storeHeader(Cookie, Ptr, &Header);
  return Ptr;

The most important field in the header is the checksum. The checksum
ensures the integrity of the header and protects from potential corruption.
It is checked each time the block is being freed.

The checksum for each block is produced as a CRC32 of the Cookie, the heap
address of the block and the contents of it's header (without the checksum).
With this way although an attacker may control the contents of the header,
but he needs also a Cookie and a heap leak in order to produce his own valid

By leaking both the heap address and the header of a block an attacker can
produce a cookie collision which is enough to produce his own valid

---[ 3.3 - The death of a block.

Once the program is done with a block of memory it will call free() on it
to release the allocated memory.

----------------------------------- combined.h -----------------------------------

NOINLINE void deallocate(void *Ptr, Chunk::Origin Origin, uptr DeleteSize = 0,
                          UNUSED uptr Alignment = MinAlignment) {
  if (UNLIKELY(!Ptr))

  if (UNLIKELY(!isAligned(reinterpret_cast(Ptr), MinAlignment)))
    reportMisalignedPointer(AllocatorAction::Deallocating, Ptr);

  Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
  Chunk::loadHeader(Cookie, Ptr, &Header);

  if (UNLIKELY(Header.State != Chunk::State::Allocated))
    reportInvalidChunkState(AllocatorAction::Deallocating, Ptr);

  ... // Some more sanity checks.

  quarantineOrDeallocateChunk(Options, TaggedPtr, &Header, Size);

When free() is called upon a block, some sanity checks will be done.

Like ensuring the pointer that is being freed is not NULL, is aligned etc.
Then validates the checksum of the header and performs some additional sanity
checks on the header.

If the block passes the checks, then quarantineOrDeallocateChunk() will be called.
Inside quarantineOrDeallocateChunk(), scudo needs to take an important decision.
Whether to put the block in the Quarantine or back in the Cache.

----------------------------------- combined.h -----------------------------------

void quarantineOrDeallocateChunk(Options Options, void *TaggedPtr,
                                  Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header, uptr Size) {
  Chunk::UnpackedHeader NewHeader = *Header;
  // If the quarantine is disabled, the actual size of a chunk is 0 or larger
  // than the maximum allowed, we return a chunk directly to the backend.
  // This purposefully underflows for Size == 0.
  const bool BypassQuarantine = !Quarantine.getCacheSize() ||
                                ((Size - 1) >= QuarantineMaxChunkSize) ||
  if (BypassQuarantine)
    NewHeader.State = Chunk::State::Available;
    NewHeader.State = Chunk::State::Quarantined;
  if (BypassQuarantine) {
    void *BlockBegin = getBlockBegin(Ptr, &NewHeader);
    const uptr ClassId = NewHeader.ClassId;
    if (LIKELY(ClassId)) {
      bool UnlockRequired;
      auto *TSD = TSDRegistry.getTSDAndLock(&UnlockRequired);
      TSD->Cache.deallocate(ClassId, BlockBegin);
      if (UnlockRequired)
    } else {
      if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging(Options)))
      Secondary.deallocate(Options, BlockBegin);

Scudo decides whether to put a block in the Quarantine or back in the Cache with
the help of the 'BypassQuarantine' condition. This condition will decide the fate
of the block. If the Quarantine is enabled and hence Quarantine.getCacheSize() > 0,
the fate of the block depends mostly upon it's size. Blocks that are being handled
by the Secondary allocator are assigned with a ClassId = 0 and they bypass the

So a block of the primary allocator bypasses the Quarantine only when it's size is
less than the QuarantineMaxChunkSize threshold. For this section we will focus on
the primary blocks that suprass this threshold. We will describe the Quarantine
separately in the following section.

Eventually for such primary blocks, TSD->Cache.deallocate() will be called;

---------------------------------- local_cache.h ----------------------------------

void deallocate(uptr ClassId, void *P) {
  CHECK_LT(ClassId, NumClasses);
  PerClass *C = &PerClassArray[ClassId];
  if (C->Count == C->MaxCount)
    drain(C, ClassId);
  C->Chunks[C->Count++] =
      Allocator->compactPtr(ClassId, reinterpret_cast(P));

During deallocate(), scudo will check first whether the cache for that region
is not already full. If it's not, then it will simply add it into the cache.
If the cache is full, scudo needs to transfer the current contents of the
PerClass entry to the FreeList by creating a TransferBatch. This will take
place in drain().

--[ 4 - Quarantine

Let's see what the official documentation has to say:

"offers a way to delay the deallocation operations, preventing blocks
to be immediately available for reuse. Blocks held will be recycled once
certain size criteria are reached. This is essentially a delayed freelist
which can help mitigate some use-after-free situations. This feature is
fairly costly in terms of performance and memory footprint, is mostly
controlled by runtime options and is disabled by default."

---[ 4.1 - Useful classes

There are three classes that are the most important on this quarantine
implementation (they contain various methods but we have limited them
for simplicity reasons):

GlobalQuarantine, QuarantineCache & QuarantineBatch:

 +++++++++++++++++++++++   |     ++++++++++++++++++++
 |  GlobalQuarantine   |   |     | QuarantineCache  |
 +++++++++++++++++++++++   |     ++++++++++++++++++++
 |     CacheMutex      |   |     |  <RDCTD> List;   | -------+
 -----------------------   |     --------------------        |
 |    CacheT Cache     | --+     | atomic_uptr Size |        |
 -----------------------   |     --------------------        |
 |    RecycleMutex     |   +--------------|                  |
 -----------------------                                     |
 | atomic_uptr MinSize |      +++++++++++++++++++++++++      |
 -----------------------      |    QuarantineBatch    |      |
 |   '' MaxSize        |      +++++++++++++++++++++++++ <----+
 -----------------------      | QuarantineBatch *Next |
 |   '' MaxCacheSize   |      -------------------------
 -----------------------      |       uptr Size       |
                              |       u32 Count       |
                              |   void *Batch[1019]   |

QuarantineBatch contents;
~ A pointer to the Next QuarantineBatch in the linked list.
~ A Size variable which is the total size of quarantined nodes recorded in
  this batch + sizeof(QuarantineBatch).
  So even if Batch array is empty the
  Size must be equal to sizeof(QuarantineBatch).
~ Count: how many nodes have been stored in *Batch[].
~ Lastly we have the Batch array that is responsible for holding
  the pointers of the quarantined chunks.

QuarantineCache contents;
~ List, which unrolls to the following;
  ~ Size, counter of how many QuarantineBatches are linked in this list.
  ~ First, first node in the linked list.
  ~ Last, last node in the linked list.
~ Size: this is the total size of quarantined nodes 
  recorded in every QuarantineBatch that is linked in the List.

---[ 4.2 - Phase 1, the entrance

When calling free() API, quarantineOrDeallocateChunk() method will
be called internally, which will firstly do some checks if it should
quarantine the chunk or not (dah!). The following code snippet is the 
part that is executed when it has figured to quarantine the chunk.

----------------------------------- combined.h -----------------------------------
else {
    bool UnlockRequired;
    auto *TSD = TSDRegistry.getTSDAndLock(&UnlockRequired);
                   QuarantineCallback(*this, TSD->Cache), Ptr, Size);
    if (UnlockRequired)

The put method of a GlobalQuarantine object will be called with the 
following arguments;
~ A QuarantineCache object pointer from the thread specific
  data region.
~ A QuarantineCallback object. [*]
~ Pointer to the to-be-quarantined-chunk.
~ Size of the to-be-quarantined-chunk.
---------------------------------- quarantine.h ----------------------------------

// The callback interface is:
// void Callback::recycle(Node *Ptr);
// void *Callback::allocate(uptr Size);
// void Callback::deallocate(void *Ptr);

The put method will then do the following;

---------------------------------- quarantine.h ----------------------------------

void put(CacheT *C, Callback Cb, Node *Ptr, uptr Size) {
  C->enqueue(Cb, Ptr, Size);

enqueue method will push the to-be-quarantined chunk pointer to the 
"delayed freelist".

---------------------------------- quarantine.h ----------------------------------

void enqueue(Callback Cb, void *Ptr, uptr Size) {
  if (List.empty() || List.back()->Count == QuarantineBatch::MaxCount) {
    QuarantineBatch *B =
    B->init(Ptr, Size);
  } else {
    List.back()->push_back(Ptr, Size);

If the linked list of QuarantineBatches is empty or the last QuarantineBatch
object in the List is full, it will create a new one that its buffer
is allocated like a normal chunk and initialize it by placing our
to-be-quarantined-chunk pointer in the *Batch[]. it will then set the
Count & Size variables to the appropriate value.
Lastly it enqueues the new QuarantineBatch to the List and update the 
Size variable of the QuarantineCache object.

On the other hand, it will just be stored in the *Batch[] of the last List
node and update the Count & Size of the object.

---[ 4.3 - Phase 2, the escape

In order for the quarantined chunks to escape back to reality
some criteria have to be met.

Let's have a look at the rest of put() function;

---------------------------------- quarantine.h ----------------------------------

void put(CacheT *C, Callback Cb, Node *Ptr, uptr Size) {
  C->enqueue(Cb, Ptr, Size);
  if (C->getSize() > getCacheSize())
    drain(C, Cb);

This if statement is checking if the total memory used (including internal accounting)
has exceeded MaxCacheSize. If it has, call drain. Which will merge the thread local 
QuarantineCache object to the GlobalQuarantine's QuarantineCache object;

---------------------------------- quarantine.h ----------------------------------

void NOINLINE drain(CacheT *C, Callback Cb) {
    ScopedLock L(CacheMutex);
  if (Cache.getSize() > getMaxSize() && RecycleMutex.tryLock())
    recycle(atomic_load_relaxed(&MinSize), Cb);

Lastly it makes sure that the GlobalQuarantine's QuarantineCache object
hasn't exceeded a limit, which is different than the one in put function.

If it has surpassed it, call recycle() which is the function
responsible for giving quarantined chunks a chance to escape;

---------------------------------- quarantine.h ----------------------------------

void NOINLINE recycle(uptr MinSize, Callback Cb) {
  CacheT Tmp;
    ScopedLock L(CacheMutex);

    const uptr CacheSize = Cache.getSize();
    const uptr OverheadSize = Cache.getOverheadSize();

    constexpr uptr OverheadThresholdPercents = 100;
    if (CacheSize > OverheadSize &&
      OverheadSize * (100 + OverheadThresholdPercents) >
          CacheSize * OverheadThresholdPercents) {

    // Extract enough chunks from the quarantine to get below
    // the max quarantine size and leave some leeway for the
    // newly quarantined chunks.
    while (Cache.getSize() > MinSize)
  doRecycle(&Tmp, Cb);

The if statement tries to guess if it's likely to find batches suitable
for merge in this QuarantineBatch List. If it is, call mergeBatches() 
which will try merging batches to save up some memory.

The last call will be to doRecycle() which will unquarantine the nodes
that exist in Tmp's List in random order.

So the ones that get extracted in the while loop, will be the ones to
escape quarantine.

--[ 5 - Conclusion

We must agree that Scudo does a decent job at making exploitation harder,
But all these new things can be a target too, right?
Thank you for reading. Please reach us out if you found any mistakes/typos
in this article, it will be much appreciated!

--[ 6 - Useful links
